Christopher E. Forth

Becoming a Destiny: The Nietzsche Vogue in French intellectual Life, 1891-1918

Ce travail correspond à la thèse soutenue par Christopher E. Forth en 1994, State University of New York, Buffalo (USA).

Table des matières/Table of contents

Introduction................................................................................... 1


Part I. Nietzsche and the Republic of Letters............................ 24


1. Anti-Wagnerism and Cultural Regeneration:

The Emergence of an Avant-Garde.......................................... 25


2. The Avant-Garde Nietzsche Project: Symbolic

Profits and Literary Strategies................................................. 75


3. Of Biography, Physiognomy, and Nationality:

Literary Appropriations of Nietzsche.......................................130


Part II. On the Land of Education............................................ 175


4. On the Prejudices of Philosophers:

Philosophical Discourse on Nietzsche.....................................176


5. The Pathos of Distance: Intrusions and

Exclusions in Academic Sociology.......................................... 233


Part III. Literary Politics and Political Literature.................. 277


6. From Anti-Dreyfusism to Royalism: The

Construction of a Rightist Nietzsche......................................278


7. From Le Parti Socialiste to Revolutionary

Syndicalism: Nietzsche and the Socialist

Avant-Garde......................................................................... 334


Part IV. The Twilight of an Idol............................................... 394


8. Immoralism and the Maturity of the Avant-Garde:

From the Mercure de France to the Nouvelle

Revue Francaise....................................................................395


9. The Twilight of an Idol: Exorcising Nietzsche

and Les Nietzscheens.......................................................... 466


Conclusion............................................................................... 510

